Tim Stein

Tim Stein

Pull The Equalization Referendum Trigger Now!

This blog isn't anti-Kenney. I love Jason Kenney. I supported him in the election. But he is coming across like…

5 years ago

Defending The Yellow Vest Protests

  A few weeks ago, I stumbled across a leftist Liberal who uses the ID ‏ @MrDash109 who tweeted out…

6 years ago

Western Separation: No Idle Threat

The feeling is real. The sentiment is not an empty threat with the ultimate goal being getting our way. Western…

6 years ago

Climate Change and the Liberal (And NDP) Tax Scam

Pretty much all of those opposed to this "pollution price" we know as a carbon tax are not climate-change deniers.…

6 years ago

Hollywood’s “Gay Agenda”

Television has done something I've not given any thought to until this past year. Television has seemingly pushed a specific…

6 years ago